Naomi Fruechte
September 2024
Hello Fellow Rotarians:
Congratulations to Sherry Sime, Caledonia Rotary's Rotarian of the Year, who was recognized at the Avenues of Service dinner last month. Also, our club was awarded the Club Service award for our Neighbors Day project.
We weren't lucky enough to win a basket, but the winner of our basket let out a big whoop when announced.
Our club social on August 30 was big on enjoyment even though it was small on attendance. We sampled the contents of the Bloody Mary basket I won at the Nicaragua water project fundraiser. Plus attendees brought tasty snacks, as usual.
September 4 speakers are Jake Dickson and Shelly Ellingson, City of Caledonia, will talk about Caledonia Forward.
September 13 speaker TBA
Rotary Peace Academy Our DG is encouraging every Rotarian in our District to take advantage of a free training course available to us through Rotary’s partnership with the Institute for Economics and Peace. This two-hour course titled “Rotary Positive Peace Academy” is designed to help you discover the strategies and tools that can help individuals build and sustain peace. The link to sign up for this course is: https://www.positivepeace. academy/rotary I intend to enroll, but haven't yet. My excuse? I've been canning tomatoes, pulling weeds and cleaning up some of the garden. But I hope all of us will find two hours to take the course.
Club Duties
Programs - Sept - Arien O'Heron; Oct. Mary Mell
Inspiration - Sept - Randy Mell; Oct - ?
Greeter - Sept - Mary Mell; Oct - Tom Danielson
Contact Sibyl: Sept 1 - Joe; Sept 8 - Naomi; Sept15 - Beth; Sept 22 - Tom; Sept 29 - Julie
Tend to Gazebo garden: Sept 1 - Naomi; Sept 8 - Beth; Sept 15 - Tom; Sept 22 - Julie; Sept 29 - Dan
Coming Events:
Sept 4 - Club Meeting
Sept 13 - Club Meeting
Sept 20 - Club Assembly
Sept 25 - Rotary Rose Day!!
Sept 27 - Board Meeting
Weekly Meetings at Elsie's, Caledonia at 7:30 am
Interested in our projects? Want to join our club to participate in community service projects? We're a socialble and welcoming group.
Service Above Self
Caledonia, MN 55921
United States of America