Naomi Fruechte
Happy New Year to You!
Thanks to our members who volunteered at Rotary Lights. A special thank you to Randy for driving the trailer to Rotary Lights to pick up food donations for our food shelf. We appreciate the generosity of Caledonia Haulers for use of the trailer. It takes many hands to get work done so I salute Dan, Tom, Sherry, Randy, Ashley, Mary and Andrea for loading boxes, unloading food and/or working at the SMores Pit.
Our club social will be held on Friday, January 17. Mary confirmed the 17th at Estelle’s in Harmony at 5:30 for our party.
It will be separate checks. We will be in the back room. Mary asks that we RSVP by January 16th to her. Feel free to invite family and a friend if you’d like!
Since we now have a President-elect for the 2025-2026 club year, we'll vote to elect all officers for that year at our January 3rd club meeting.
Naomi Fruechte
Programs for January courtesy of Nancy Runningen
January 3 - ?????
January 10 - Carrie Lapham will share her experiences from her trip to Africa
January 17 - Club Social at 5:30 pm. No regular morning meeting.
January 24 - Board Meeting at Wired Rooster
Coming Up:
January 17 - Club Social at Estelle's in Harmony
Feb 28 - Mar 2 President Elect Learning Seminar - In person Feb 28th- March 2nd 2025 in Itasca, IL (used to be "PETS")
April 25-26 Tri-Con will be in Brookfield, WI April 25-26, 2025
Weekly Meetings at Elsie's, Caledonia at 7:30 am Board meeting at the Wired Rooster at 7:30 a.m.
Club Duties
January programs - Nancy
January inspiration - Dan
January greeter - Nancy
February programs - Sherry
February inspiration - Sherry
February greeter - Ashley
March programs - Randy
March inspiration - Julie
March greeter - Ashley
Contact Sibyl,703 E Lincoln St, Caledonia - Phone 507-725-2930, week of:
January 5 - Andrea Eger
January 12 - Nancy Runningen
January 19 - Ashley Dress
January 26 - Craig Ihrke
February 2 - Randy Mell
Interested in our projects? Want to join our club to participate in community service projects? We're a socialble and welcoming group.
Service Above Self
Caledonia, MN 55921
United States of America