Naomi Fruechte

I'm optimistic. I've ordered may garden seeds that will arrive at my door soon. I'm optimistic that Spring will soon be here and there will be enough rain and sunshine for growth of the vegetables.
I'm optimistic about our Rotary Club. At our recent Board meeting we reviewed our club goals. It appears that we will meet most of them by the end of this Rotary year since we've made good progress on them so far.
I'm optimistic that you members will continue to volunteer for our club activities and projects. We had an optimistic group at our January social activity held at Estelle's. Up beat and lots of fun. Thanks to Mary Mell for organizing the event.
I'm optimistic about our leaders going forward. The club elected officers for 2025-26...Dan Small - President, Tom Danielson - President-elect, Arien O'Heron - President-elect nominee, Ashley Dress - Secretary, and Craig Ihrke - Treasurer. Thanks to you for accepting these leadership roles.
In optimistic Rotary service,
Programs for February - courtesy of Sherry Sime
February 7 - Richard Cordes, Houston County Historical Society
February 14 - Luke Hall, Spring Grove Cinema
February 21 - Committee meetings
February 28 - Board Meeting at Wired Rooster
Coming Up:
February 1 - La Crosse Downtown hosting a social event at ORA Trails, W5723 Hwy 33, La Crosse. Contact Niki Pohnl at for more information.
February 8 - Rotary East's Super Bowl Bingo at Colgan Air Hangar #4, 2 pm
February 12 - Grant Management Seminar
March 14 - Rotary Lights will present checks to some non-profit organizations at our club meeting
March 21 - La Crosse After Hours Pints for Polio at Pearl Street Brewery
April 25-26 Tri-Con in Brookfield, WI April 25-26, 2025
RYLA - May 9-11, 2025
June 27 - Quillin's Cookout
Weekly Meetings at Elsie's, Caledonia at 7:30 am Board meeting at the Wired Rooster at 7:30 a.m.
Club Duties
February programs - Sherry
February inspiration - Sherry
February greeter - Ashley
March programs - Randy
March inspiration - Julie
March greeter - Ashley
April programs - Ashley
April inspiration - Dan
April greeter - Julie
Contact Sibyl,703 E Lincoln St, Caledonia - Phone 507-725-2930, week of:
February 2 - Randy Mell
February 9 - Arien O'Heron
February 16 - Joannie Schmidt
February 23 - Sherry Sime
March 2 - Joe Welch
Interested in our projects? Want to join our club to participate in community service projects? We're a socialble and welcoming group.
Service Above Self
Caledonia, MN 55921
United States of America